Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Spring has sprung!

Yesterday was the first day of spring and what a gorgeous day it was! The air was warmer and htere wasn't a cloud in the sky. Today is equally as lovely. Unfortunately I have no photos to prove this LOL

For those of you who have been wondering where I have been and for those of you who know I have a problem with my shoulder, here is an update.
I have been getting more and more pain and restriction in my shoulder so last Monday I went for an ultrasound which showed 2 torn tendons and more calcification. I managed to get an appt with the specialist last Friday who wants me to have an MRI. So after a bit of phoning around I can have one on 16th Sept instead of the original 7th October. Being a doctor's secretary does have some benefits LOL
Unfortunately being on the computer gives me a lot of pain so my computer time is limited at the moment. The best thing about the injury is that I am not supposed to do any washing, ironing, sweeping, mopping or vacuuming !!!!!
I have also just realised that I am almost at 1oo posts so I shall have to have a bit of a think about a giveaway.
Thanks for all your concern.


jodie said...

Sorry to hear you are suffering shoulder pain, but glad you are getting treatment. Yes Spring is here, but take it slow, don't want it too hot to soon here!

Chookyblue...... said...

take care with the shoulder.......enjoy spring........

Vickie said...

aww how slack -geez I'm sure you can post us a pic of your lovley sprung sping..LOL...hope that shoulder can be fixed easily -like no major chop chop eh?
cheers Vickie
What nearing 100 posts you chatterbox you!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are ok Anita. I can sympathise with your situation regarding your shoulder.. I am in the same boat. Hopefully the warmer weather will help...even if just a little bit. Jo x

Ruth said...

Yay yay yay! I love spring! I hope you are painfree really soon.

Ruth xx

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Oh Anita....you poor baby, sorry to hear you have been in such pain...but all will be well soon...take care..xx

Lissa Jane said...

hope you are feeling better real soon..

I am not enjoying spring, all this rain.. argh! I think I need to make me an ark..

The little book of Nessie said...

I hope your shoulder pain clears up soon. Make sure you do not rush into your housework chores before you should. May be a warm wheat bag would be of benefit. Regards, Nessie